2018/09/01 created
2022/03/19 updated
The Origin of My Nickname, Tonochi
Just after I got married, I requested my wife to call me Tono, which means 'master' in Japanese. But she came to call me Tono-chan or Tonochi, which are more casual expression (that sounds like I am her inferior). I reluctantly accepted them as my nickname. Needless to say, soon she came to wear the pants in my family.
Biographical Outline
1957: Born in Shizuoka Pref, Japan. Grown up in Kanagawa Pref.
1982: Gratuated from Faculty of Humanities, Tokyo Metropolitan University. I
majored in psychology.
1982-2009: Worked as a computer engineer, engaged in research and developing of hardware
and firmware.
2009: Quit engineering work due to health problem.
2009-2012: Worked as an office clerk.
2012: Retired at age 55 due to health problem.
Now: Living with my wife in a suburban residential area of Tokyo, Japan.
Audio experiences

1967: At age 10, my uncle let me listened to his stereo set manufactured by
Trio (JVC-Kenwood). I was surprised by its vivid sound. I knew a machine
could play music so vividly for the first time in my life. I became interested
in audio.
1969: I listened to a live performance of an orchestra for the first time at
an event held by my elementary school. I was overwhelmed by its dynamic
sound. I was inspired to obtain an audio system that could reproduce the
sound of the orchestra.
1970: I bought a 3-band radio, Sony IC-11 Black and the stereo adaptor for it
with money I had earned by a part-time job. It was my first stereo audio
1971: I took up DIY audio under influence of my cousin, who is five years older
than me. My first work was a pair of loudspeakers of which driver was Fostex
FE103 equivalent. I used them as external speakers of IC-11B.
1972: At age 15, I made my first DIY power amplifier (6BM8s - see the photo),
which was designed by Mr. Tetsuo Nagaoka.
1974:I designed the audio system Gaudi. I started making audio equipment branded
For subsequent experiences, see the page of NOBODY.
Hobbies Other Than Audio
I've had many hobbies since my childhood.
When I was an early-teenager, I enjoyed fishing and bike riding.
When I was a late-teenager, I was obsessed in photography. And I took up
motorcycle riding at 16, and car riding at 18. I became enthusiastic with
them too.
I continued to enjoy these hobbies in my university days. In addition,
I became a computer freak (otaku). This hobby led to my occupation. I also
began skiing.
After graduation, I worked as a computer engineer. Most of my work was
desk work, and it stressed me out. I came to enjoy outdoor sports mostly,
like motorcycle riding, fishing and camping. I enjoyed skiing in winter.
I didn't spend much time for audio those days, and put a stop to building
audio equipment temporarily. However, I continued to develop ideas for
improvement of Gaudi and do maintenance on my audio devices and vinyl discs.
I got a health problem in my mid forties. I had no choice but gave up the
outdoor hobbies.
I quit skiing in 2007, and motorcycle riding in 2012. It was heartbreaking,
because I had strongly wished to continue them as long as I lived.
Since 2012, I have been enjoying my retirement fulfiled with audio, music and my beloved cats. [2021/02/18 changed] {One of my cats died in May and the other in October last year. Now I'm living without cats}

English language: STEP's Test Pre-first Grade (1994), Translation Skill
Test Third Grade (1998), TOEIC 940 (2010).
I am a typical English learner in Japan; I am very good at reading, writing
and listening, though, not at speaking. I am not good at speaking even
in Japanese. Though I have passed the primary test of STEP First Grade
(reading, writing and listening tests), the secondary test (speaking test)
is far above my head. I am not good at making a speech.